Saturday, February 25, 2012

Modeling Faux Pas

1. Fish lips!  If you think that because you have hundreds of snap images of yourself doing the fish lip, that is going to be your Signature pose.... think again!  Only OK if you are fooling around!
2. Walking across backdrop paper with pointed heels! When walking onto set with spiky heels, always step on the balls of your feet or tippy toes so you do not tear the paper causing the director/photographer to reset!
3. "Fake it till you make it" does not mean acting like a diva! It is NEVER beneficial to have an attitude problem! Always be kind, personable and like-able.  Offer to help where you can with setup if you are not in wardrobe just yet.  Do what you can to build lasting business relationships and always be nice to other models, photographers, MUA's or directors!  ALWAYS!
4. Do not put your nose to the sky! While shooting for ad's and print, be careful not to cock your head/chin to high to the sky.  It is important to elongate your neck, but we do not want to see only neck.  Also, your eyes tend to hide away under lashes and lids when head is bent too much.  You want to also be careful not to prop chin too low as well.  It will emphasize any baggage under eyes and you may become "The neckless wonder!"=)
5.Never forget the people who sign your paycheck! Once you appear in an ad for a product/company, you become an instant endorser of that brand!  Do not speak ill of them because even though you are only "appearing" to be a customer, people look at you as a person who uses or wears the product! Only use positive comments when asked about the company. The girls in the "cover girl" ads do not use ONLY Cover Girl make up, but when asked about it, they praise the make up as though it is the only product they trust! Which brings me to my next point...
6. Be upfront and honest! If you are potentially being booked for a product that is in close competition with another product ad you have done, be sure to tell them before you agree.  It may not matter to the person giving you the job, but best let them know before they find out and yank your endorsement deal!
7. Unless you want to book Penthouse, tone down the sex! "Sultry" is far different then "Sexified."  Unless the job calls for extreme sex appeal, do not stick out your chest and booty with a "Come Hither" look.  The trick is learning to model in way that attracts eyes to the product.  Draw them in with intense expression and body language without appearing to be modeling for a "Live Links" commercial.  Yes, sex sells, but exotic beauty with the quiet sensuality and layers ALWAYS beats out the loose bimbo!
8. You cannot model alone! Modeling is not a one-man show!  Pay credit where it is due!  Make up artists, hair stylists, photographers and directors help make you the beauty that you appear to be in print!  All jobs are equally important and just as difficult so do not act as though you just walked in front of a Polaroid camera and turned it all on! Credit everybody involved in your images and work!
9. Bragging makes US ALL tired! I have always found that the people with the most bragging rights are always the silent ones.  Do not toot your own horn in front of professionals!  Actually, in front of anybody! So you are a model!  How is that any higher in the food chain then a chef, stylist, taxi driver or mail carrier?  It is not!  It is just another profession that certain people are good at and others are not!  This is true of any trade!
10. Really?  You want to be told how to do your job? Just like a Doctor who attends college for many years to complete his job, you cannot expect the photographer to tell you how to pose.  They may help direct you in the general area they would like, but take it from there, Darling!  You are booked and paid to get a job done in the most complete and convenient way possible!  It takes far too much time to pose a person for every frame.  That is why it is very important to do practice trade shoots before jumping out there in the professional world.  Nothing mimics true experience!

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