Sunday, February 5, 2012


It is important to have the proper aspects of a modeling portfolio.  Even if you do not plan on working in specific areas of the industry, it is right to cover all basis.  That means that even if you do not plan on swimwear or high fashion, you still need to have images that represent those branches of fashion.  That way you will show that you are capable of many different looks.

You will want to condense your portfolio into 12 to 16 images always putting your best three in the front.  Tearsheets are always a good idea.  If you have tearsheets at your disposal, use them over anything else.  This helps the client to see that you have what it takes to be a professional and provide the right talents to be booked.  *Side Note*  If you are ever given the chance to do a magazine assignment, ALWAYS ACCEPT even if there is little or no pay.  This will give you a great edge on other models because you will have tearsheets to present to agents and designers!  Also, editorial shoots are another fantastic job to book despite of pay!  You may not make a lot at the time, but trust me on this, it will up your model worth and get you better paying gigs in the future!*

Your book is a representation of you, your personality and versatility as a model.  Therefor you will need certain types of images!  This includes:
 Two Headshots.  One smiling and one with a serious or "different" expression.  A model can transform herself in miliseconds by changing expressions.  Here are examples from my own personal collection...

Full Length Image*Head-to-toes*- This description is vague only because there are not tightly bound rules to this one like most.  Rules, yes, but options!  Be sure to choose an image that has a strong pose that shows curves or ability to model to your toes!  Yes, that is correct... modeling is not just about smiling pretty and having kickbutt make up!  No-no!  A popular misconception is that modeling is easy!  Oh cont rare! It is difficult and trying, but if you have what it takes... very rewarding!  Your entire self has to be on the same page constantly!  That means your eyes connect to your baby toe.  You have to use every body part and muscle!  If you can learn to coordinate it all together, you will end up with awesome images!  If not, you will look like a stick figure with cat eyes, or dead eyes with a striking body pose!
Action Shots- This one is pretty self explanatory!  This does not mean a picture of you in the corner with 95% of scenery.  You MUST command the entire image.  That means when a person looks at it, their eyes go to you.  "Tree? What tree"  Rollerbladers?  Where?"  You want your pose to be the thing remembered after the client looks away!

Bangin Body Shot- This is typically where swimwear comes into play, though it doesn't have to be.  But you want to show your true body mass and muscle tone.  Not super Photoshop where you appear to be a body builder when secretly you have no tone what-so-ever.  You do not want to book a job only to show up and make the client realize you really were not what they were looking for after all. Strong pose,  but do not do in such a way that you hide important body features.  Less is more.  Strong expressions and pose, but let your body do the rest of the talkin!=) This next example would be better if it showed the entirety of the body...  Gotta do spring cleaning and sift through my images, but I found this one pretty quickly:)
The remainder of the images you include should vary from black and white to color and show your versatility.  Try a "soft sensual look"  along with a "Hard@ss I will rob you blind and it will be the best day of your life" look.  Vary with facial paint and hair colors as well as do's.  Throw your creativity in the mix.  Feel free to inlcude one that involves another model as long as they are not outshining you!  Keep a few natural images in which you are not overly "made up" and be sure they capture the true essence of you!  Push your boundaries.  How do you dress in the norm?  What is your personal style?  Jump to the other end of the spectrum and capture something that is nothing like your self everyday.  Capture your "alter ego" if you will!  Experiment with androgyny or other ethnicitys!  These are all very expensive marketable qualities of a model.  If you are asian, but can book african american jobs... well twice the money for you!:)  Here are a few more examples!

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